345KV outdoor EBA movable foundation base fabrication work
345KV outdoor EBA movable foundation base fabrication work
Embedment fabrication for Hsinta & Taichung Power Plant
Datan Power Plant and Hsinda Power Plant material supply and stainless pipe fabrication and supply
UNIVERSAL FAIRLEADER fabrication for N6185~N6188 of CSBC
Medical infection waste water treatment equipment fabrication
Fabrication work of cabinet of N6154 JP5 fuel oil
Fire resisting coating at elevator Machine room for CPC Taichung LNG project
CSBC tank fabrication work for Keelung Plant
Dynamic bellows for SUS-BAL
Renewal project for garbage hopper and water collet at Kaohsiung Central District Waste Management Plant
Rapid P28B-CNHTZ, ISOM, TAME and TANKAGE PROJECT-Air cooler heat exchanger design work
Fabrication for finned tubes for air fin cooler
Surge tank design and fabrication for Uni-World Engineering Co., Ltd.
Membrane oil and gas construction , piping, and equipment installation work at CPC Ciaotou
Mobile traps fabrication work
Drainage desulfuration system machine installation work
Silencer Unit 2 Steel Structure Manufacture Work
SUS CPVC pipe and Electrical Wire Embedded Work at Ta-Lin Power Plant
Embedded Conduit U2 at Ta-Lin Power Plant
Cross Type Hydraulic Elevator Fabrication
Anchor Bolt of Base of Main Generator of Tai Power Ta Lin Plant
Rolling Film Wrapping Machine Turning Wheel Fabrication and Installation
LIXIL Vietnam Metal Reclaim Machine (MRM)
Silo SUS304 Fabrication Work for Plant Equipment at Grand Pacific Petrochemical Corporation